

Print your Instagram snaps as retro style Polaroid photos

You can now print your favourite Instagram pics with Firebox's Polargrams service.
Instagram claims to have 27 million users, which equates to a lot of photos. So many in fact that it persuaded Facebook to pay $1 billion for the photo-sharing site.
Polargrams enables users to print their Instagram images as actual physical photos. In the style of old school Polaroids, no less.
It means you’ll be able to share your retro-style snaps with friends and family who haven’t signed up to Mark Zuckerberg’s plan for world domination.
Working within Instagram, users can print up to 24 Instagram pictures at a time, with Firebox promising to send the prints within a few days.
You’ll even get a miniature Sharpie pen thrown in for good measure, presumably to tag up the surrounding white borders found on Polaroid prints.
The Polagrams service is available from for £14.99, which is the cost of getting 24 Instagram photos printed.
Of course if you're unhappy with Facebook's capture of Instagram there are ways you can back-up your photos and thus still be able to retrieve them at a later date.

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