

Panasonic to release Siri-style TVs

First it was voice guidance on your phone, now you’ll soon be able to control your television by barking instructions at it. Panasonic's Viera 2012 range of televisions, enables you to change channels, turn up the volume, find listing information and even set a programme to record - a la Siri on the iPhone.
Panasonic has worked closely with the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) as it’s hoped the voice-guidance system will benefit them in terms of their TV enjoyment. However, we can see a broader appeal for those bored with the more-traditional forms of TV controlling (ie, the remote) and those that simply like the sound of their own voice.
The level of voice guidance can be adjusted to your liking. For example, you could set it so that you are simply able only to alter the volume, or alternatively you can be provided with clear detailed instructions of each step you are making while navigating around the various menus.
One thing’s for sure, Panasonic’s new voice technology should certainly bring an end to endless arguments about who’s in charge of the remote control. That said, the words "can", "worms" and "open" spring to mind.

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